mzistvali inner image-min
mzistvali image-min



“Mzistvali” is a quality-oriented Kakhetian wine producer that has established itself both in Georgia and Europe. We have developed a website for a wine that is traditional, yet colorful and fun with branding, which fully reflects the identity of this brand with its cheerfulness. The website has smooth motion effects and a simple and modern interface.

#UI/UX Design

#Web Development






Website Screens.


The main task of Mzistvali was to digitize the FUN concept of the brand and also to create an informative online store. The information on the website had to be in two languages and had to be top-rated in all Google Page Speed Insights metrics.


After understanding the task, we started to act and in no time, we delivered a website equipped with all the necessary functions, and Mzistvali was able to start online sales.
Group (21)
Wine Showcase
In the main section, the unique packaging of the wine catches the eye. Mzistvali, which produces, organic and ecologically clean winemaking, gives special importance to the ease of providing information to the user. The section is not overloaded with unnecessary details and pays attention to the uniqueness of the branding.
FUN Design
In the eyes of their customers, Mzistvali's brand is represented by the "FUN" concept, "wine is not a drink only for the older generation!" That's why the simple tone of the traditional wine was replaced by a much more fun, yet sophisticated interface during the creation of the website.
Group (22)
Group (23)
The website represents an online catalog, which will be integrated with the "Veli Store" in the future, that's when the e-commerce function will be added to this website so that the customer will be only a few clicks away to get this amazing wine.

Working Process.


Compilation of The Technical Task


UI/UX Design


Front Debugging
Back Debugging


Test Mode
Plus laptop device
Plus mobile device

Website Characteristics.

UI/UX Design
Multilingual Translation
Basic SEO
Messenger Live Chat
Interactive Sliders
Brandbook Elements
Online Catalog
Facebook Pixel
motion effects
GTM 4 Integration
Google Analytics
Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.