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Ar.ge is the landing page of Arsenal Residence, a construction development company. Its purpose is to generate customer interest while the main website is developed. Although the website is only one page, it is packed with quite interesting functionality that allows the customer to browse apartment types, floorplans, and mock-ups, as well as see prices in national and dollar currencies. The Landing page also has a news and construction progress section.

#UI/UX Design

#Web Development





Website Screens.


Users needed to have the ability to browse the apartment types and from “Arsenal” to get leads from the website. The landing page had to be in 3 languages and support two currencies, the website had to score 90+ points on Google Page Speed Insights in optimization, and most importantly, it all had to happen in the shortest time possible.


After understanding the challenges, we started to take action, and in no time we delivered a 3-language Landing page equipped with all the necessary and requested functions. Arsenal Residence was able to start selling apartments online and we started working on developing their main website, which will fully convey the benefits of Arsenal Residence to the customer.
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Leads Form
To fulfill the main purpose of the landing page, it was decided to display the lead form in the main section, where it would attract the most attention. The lead form is connected to the "Zoho CRM" system, which makes it easier for the company to sort and control the received information.
Apartment Listing
The most important functionality of Arsenal Residence's landing page is apartment listings. It is equipped with all the necessary information, allowing the customer to thoroughly familiarize themselves with the details of the apartment and view both the drawing of the apartment and its 3D model. With a simple switch, it is possible to convert the currency, both by the full price and by the square price.
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Admin Panel
This landing page is equipped with all the necessary marketing tools: Facebook Pixel, GTM4, GOOGLE TAG Manager, etc. It also has a simple and customized admin panel where the management members can add/delete/edit apartments, news, information, and other details. The admin panel also displays website statistics in detail.

Working Process.


Compilation of The Technical Task


UI/UX Design


Debugging Back


Debugging Front


Plus laptop device
Plus mobile device

Website Characteristics.

UI/UX Design
A Way to Choose Apartments
Multilingual Translation
News Field
Book an Appointment
A Field of Benefits
Speed Optimization
Animated Elements
Mobile Responsive
Request Call
Thank You Targeting
Facebook Pixel
Basic SEO
Messenger Live Chat
GTM 4 Integration
Google Analytics

Highest Performance .

It’s one thing for a site to be functionally loaded, another is how clean and accurate it is laid out and what comments it makes on Page Speed Insights. At Web, we value speed, simplicity and flexibility. Therefore, optimization is carried out both during the project creation process and after its completion.

Page Speed Desktop.

Best Practicies

Page Speed Mobile.

Best Practicies
Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.